The Chinese Boxers Shall Never Die

Propaganda Department is not the biggest obstacle to liberty.

"National dignity and liberty,
These two I must have.
For my liberty I’ll sacrifice my life.
For national dignity I’ll sacrifice my liberty."

ESWN: The official reason for the shutdown of the Freezing Point weekly magazine was stated to be the essay [Modernization and History Textbooks, scroll down for ESWN translation] [现代化与历史教科书]. The common belief was that this was a pretext, because there are more egregious prior cases (such as the tribute to Hu Yaobang [胡启立《我心中的耀邦》]). So why did this essay get selected? This essay happened to touch the nerves of a certain segment of angry young people on the Internet, because they took this essay to be a justification of the invasion of China by the United Army of the Eight Nations. Anyone who wants to defend this essay will feel the full wrath … [Emphasis added]

Cheap nationalism – the old ploy that always works. A Chinese netizen begins her article on the history textbook essay and the Freezing Point: "I am an old reader of Chinese Youth Daily [which published the Freezing Point supplement]. I like this newspaper very much" – one may reasonably expect that a reader of one of the most outspoken newspapers would support editor Li Datong – "History will not forgive [Li Datong]", she concludes.

… Being a Chinese of conscience … I read "Modernization and History Textbook" – an article which distorts facts and betrays the nation. I deeply deplore. What do they want to tell our next generation? What do they want to do to the Chinese? … (Li Datong makes us bitter / Tianya Internet Forums; 令人愤慨的李大同)

Boxer Rebellion (German Perspective) 1/2

Boxer Rebellion (German Perspective) 2/2

Images: "Postkarte: Der Krieg in China" website of German Historical Museum, Berlin

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2 Responses to The Chinese Boxers Shall Never Die

  1. Anonymous says:

    what does that first image say?

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